Food Waste Action Week 2023 


Love Food Hate Waste is running its annual initiative to help with food waste awareness. They say

"4.5 million tonnes of edible food is thrown away each year by UK households. Shockingly, 25% of this wasted food is due to cooking, preparing or serving too much - this costs UK households £3.5 billion each year. That is why Love Food Hate Waste is dedicating a whole week of action to shining a light on how simple behaviours to reduce food waste can save time and money."

At the Veg Box Donations Scheme, we are about helping people in food poverty by encouraging those who can donate fresh fruit and veg to those in need in their local community.

We encourage people to donate their excess fruit and veg that they grow in their garden or allotment or buy and donate some food.

We also accept donations from generous local supermarkets and fresh food businesses. 

As we move into our third year as a charity, we are not feeding the five thousand – yet – but the vision is to build up many small village/town/neighbourhood Veg Box Donation Schemes across the country, feeding the poor and helping to reduce food waste. Locally sourced food for local households in need, provided and run by the local community! Please contact us if you would like more info or to volunteer.

Adam Johannes, 07/03/2023